How much is flight ticket from Lagos to Abuja?

  1. Once you have made contact with an agent, you give your departure city, arrival destination, and travel dates.
  2. You’ll be presented with a number of results. Select the flight option most suited to your schedule and budget, and relay your decision to our agent on hand to assist.
  3. Inform us about other travel requests, like rebookable flights, baggage, or travel insurance.
  4. Select your preferred payment method.
  5. Once payment is received, you will receive a booking confirmation.
  1. The day of the week you want to travel: weekdays like Wednesdays and Thursdays are often seen as less busier days as compared to weekends, so prices may be lower than on more active travel days.
  2. The time of day you want to travel: early morning flights and late night flights are usually cheaper than rush hour flight tickets.
  3. The time of year also influences the cost of tickets. Booking tickets during festive periods like Christmas or Easter could see you pay a higher amount than booking in a period where there’s no festivity or holidays.
  4. Flight class: economy, business, and first-class tickets have different prices depending on which you opt for. Choosing a higher class will generally result in a higher ticket cost.
  5. Promotions and discounts: You could also make use of promo and discount codes to get a reduction on the cost of flight tickets. 
  6. How long in advance you are booking: The farther your travel date is from the day you make your booking, the cheaper the fare will be. 

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