Best sites to Visit in Jordan

Best sites to Visit in Jordan
Jordan is a historic nation with lots of spiritual sites to be explored and visited within the Kingdom. Christians and non-Christians from all over the world troop in every year to be a part of the rites in the Kingdom of Jordan as well as explore the sites it has to offer. Today, we will be looking at some of the best sites to visit in the Kingdom of Jordan.
One of the most important sites of the Baptism Site is Elijah’s Hill, the place where Elijah ascended to heaven in the 9th century BC. The Bible states that Elijah would return before the coming of Jesus, so when John the Baptist began baptising people there, it caused a huge stir in the surrounding villages. Elijah’s Hill is one of the best places to visit in Jordan, and thousands of tourists visit this place every year.
In Biblical names, the meaning of the name Nebo is “that speaks or prophesies.” This is the spot where Moses stood to view the promised land, as said in the Bible in Deuteronomy 32:48–52, and also where the brazen serpent was lifted up for healing when the children of Israel got bitten by snakes. This site is an iconic place in all of Jordan and attracts visitors from all over, making it one of the best sites to visit in the Kingdom of Jordan.
RIVER JORDAN (The Site of Jesus’ Baptism)
Bethany, beyond Jordan, is an archaeological World Heritage Site in Jordan, on the east bank of the Jordan River, considered to be the original location of the Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. The Jordan River is a 156-mile-long river that flows north to south from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea. It lies on the eastern border of modern-day Israel and the western borders of both Syria and Jordan. Because of its great length and central location, the Jordan River is mentioned in the Bible over 185 times. This site is one of the most visited places in all of Jordan. Millions come in annually to get baptised in the Jordan River.
Petra, a UNESCO heritage centre, is one of the modern wonders of the world. Petra, originally known to its inhabitants as “Raqmu,” is a historic and archaeological city in southern Jordan, located at the entrance guarding the Nabatians. Famous for its rock-filled architecture and water system, Petra is also called the “Rose City” because of the colour of the stone from which it is carved. It was famously called “a rose-red city. Petra is one of the more popular places for tourists in the Kingdom of Jordan, making it one of the best sites to visit in Jordan.
The Dead Sea can also be called the Salt Sea or the Sea of Araba. The Dead Sea is a landlocked salt lake between Israel and Jordan in southwestern Asia. It has the lowest elevation and is the lowest body of water on the surface of Earth, making it a top tourist attraction. A list of the best sites to visit in Jordan cannot be complete without a mention of the Dead Sea.
The Amman Citadel is an historic site at the centre of downtown Amman, the capital of Jordan. The L-shaped hill is one of the seven hills that originally made up Amman. A guided tour of the Amman Citadel is included as part of Culture Trip Beyond Petra. Amman is one of the most visited capitals in all of Asia, so a pilgrimage to this site can never go wrong.
The Wadi Rum Desert is one of the more hidden sites to visit in Jordan, but it is also one of the most beautiful places you can visit in the Kingdom. Experience the vastness of the desert, a spiritual metaphor for life’s journey, where silence speaks louder than words whenever you travel to Jordan.
We have trips for every month so you can experience the beauty of Jordan or tap into its spirituality as we journey to the Kingdom.
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